Sequencing Methods
Detailed information can be found in our Sample and Sequencing Guidelines
Variant Detection
- Whole Genome sequencing
Sequencing of the whole genome of an organism, including coding and non-coding regions
- Long-Read sequencing
Sequencing of long inserts of DNA allowing better mapping and phasing of the genome
- Panel sequencing
In depth sequencing of a particular set of DNA regions using panels
- Exome sequencing
Sequencing of all protein coding regions of the genome of an organism
- Targeted RNA sequencing
Sequencing of a subset of transcripts enabling both qualitative and quantitative expression analysis
Expression Analysis
- mRNA sequencing
Sequencing of all messenger RNA transcripts which provides information on the whole coding transcriptome of an organism
- Total RNA sequencing
Sequencing of all types of RNAs present, including diverse small and non-coding RNAs
- 3'-Sequencing
Sequencing of transcripts 3’ UTR allowing gene expression analysis with high sensitivity and in degraded sample
- scRNA sequencing
Sequencing the RNA of individual cells to capture cell heterogeneity
- miRNA sequencing
Sequencing of micro RNAs which confer gene silencing and are often associated with various cellular mechanisms
- smallRNA sequencing
Sequencing of small RNAs (including micro RNA) which exert diverse functions of gene regulation
- Long-Read RNA sequencing
Sequencing of full-length RNA allowing precise isoform detection
- Shotgun Metagenomics
Sequencing of all genomic information of a sample containing DNA of a community of organisms
- 16S/Amplicon Sequencing
Sequencing of the 16S rRNA coding region to identify different taxa in a sample containing DNA of diverse organisms
- Metatranscriptomics
Sequencing of the RNA in a heterogenous sample to analyse gene expression in a community of organisms
- Whole genome bisulfite sequencing
Investigation of the methylation pattern in the whole genome of an organism
All major technologies under one roof!
- Illumina NextSeq500
flexible mid-output sequencer
- Illumina MiSeq
low-output sequencer
- Illumina NovaSeq6000
production scale instrument
- Illumina NovaSeq X Plus
proven sequencer with more power
low throughput long read sequencer
- ONT PromethION
high throughput long-read sequencer
Sample Preparation Systems
- Qiagen QIAcube
high throughput isolation
- Agilent Bravo
production scale liquid handler
- Qiagen QIASymphony
high throughput isolation
- Tecan Fluent 780
high throughput liquid handler
- 10x Genomics
single cell emulsion preparation
- Beckman Biomek i5
high throughput liquid handler
- Beckman Biomek i7
high throughput liquid handler